Saturday, May 12, 2012

STEM Lesson Plan Reflection

I enjoyed creating my STEM lesson plan, because it enabled me to create a lesson that is not only engaging to students, but can meet the needs of all of the diverse learners in my classroom. My lesson plan focused on the historical perspective of harnessing power, and includes common themes on models and systems. I also tried to incorporate Howard Gardner’s multiple intelligences into my lesson plan with the use of hands on manipulatives. In addition, I tried to integrate lots of collaboration and the use of technology into my lesson plan. I also used concept maps to activate background knowledge and provide multiple opportunities to review any misconceptions the students may have. Lastly, I included formative and summative assessments and various strategies to differentiate my lessons by the content, the process of the product. The 5 E’s strategy was very helpful, because it ensured that those critical elements were found in my lesson plan. This process of the using the 5 E’s was slightly different than how I would  plan my usual lessons, but still encompasses the same foundations as  all of my lessons. The 5 E’s allowed me to extend more opportunities for learning, and ensured that all of those critical elements were thoroughly expanded upon.


  1. Great job LaNadia. I found the 5 E strategy to planning my lesson very helpful in ensuring that critical thinking skills were included to promote more effective learning. Planning a lesson using this template is very time consuming but will definately yield higher level of academic accountability both for the student and the teacher.
    Great job with your blog.

  2. I felt the same with the 5 E's. I felt it was sort of a backbone for lesson planning in any subject. One of the issues I had was tying in the perspectives. Hopefully as the class progresses I can become more familiar with this and it will be a little easier. What concept map did you use? K-W-L chart?

  3. Using the 5 E's strategy is different than how I am used to planning lessons also, and it took a little while to get into the swing of it. However, I see how it can be used to help teachers extend and differentiate science lessons to better challenge students at all levels. I also like your use of a concept map. That is something that would have worked really well in my plan, but for some reason I didn't think of it as I was writing it. I will have to try to incorporate them into more of my plans in the future.

    1. I think you did a great job. With me I’m so use to steering away from my lesson plans because sometimes my best lesson came from ideas that I have at the very last minute!! So I enjoy that. Thanks!!
