Saturday, May 19, 2012

              If the polar ice caps melt obviously global warming would be in process. We know that if we continually emit CFC (Chlorofluorocarbons), Pesticides, DDT’s, and harmful CO2 emissions into the atmosphere, the Earth’s temperature will began to rise. This in turn will result in global warming, causing the polar ice caps to melt. I think that not only will the obvious happen such as flooding of the land and coastal areas, but in addition, our ecological systems will be disturbed extremely. All of the coastal area will flood; there could be a disruption in the different marine ecosystems such as your marshes, estuaries, or mangroves. In addition, there can be catastrophe weather phenomenon’s, such as extreme tornado's, hurricanes and tsunamis. I also believe that some species of plants and animals may possible if endangered would be eradicated permanently, and never will be able to be replenished. I also think there could be an increase in disease from tropical storms which encourages lots of insects such as mosquitoes. They could be possibly carrying malaria, or other harmful deadly tropical diseases.
             Economically millions of dollars can be lost for people who are displaced or moved from the coastal areas. Some countries financially may not be able to recover if global warming occurs. There could be a loss of natural resources and even affects our revenue such as in agriculture or other ways we obtain resources to live. Damages will also be costly to all areas of the global.  Questions that I have about science inquiry would be how we could utilize this activity with our students, to encourage advocacy in our local school community to go green and protect our planet? How can we as science teachers use this lesson to spark a passion and curiosity to promote changes, and help stop global warming?


  1. I am agreeing with you LaNadia. Coastal areas especially the ones below sea level will be completely lost causing people to move out of the area. Another effect this will have is that it will cause crowding and over population. The world now is already beginning to feel congested with the number of population. Imagine if we lost coastal lands and all the living there would have to relocate? Another one of the inquiries I would be concerned about and want to know more is the loss of resources. Our agricultural and marine resources would be greatly reduced. How can we spark the passion for the help to stop global warming? The grandchildren of some of our current students will be greatly affected.

    1. I totally agree with you that our children's children will be affected.

  2. You did a great job of mentioning a lot of the things that may happen should global warming continue. I think your comments mainly address the impact on our comfortable way of life. Our reliance on fossil fuels is a similar example. I do not think that losing coast, having more difficulty accessing resources, or a loss of arable land will cause the ruination of civilization. All of these for certain are inconvenient for us as humans but will not likely result in the end of our species. We are particularly resilient and highly capable of making livable environments all over the Earth.

    That is not to say I do not think it is a problem, but rather that the problem is so vague for regular people. How many of us in America are willing to walk and get our groceries to reduce carbon emissions. Until it effects us personally we are not likely to make any drastic changes. I believe that awareness is being increased but changes are not being effected. So making a child passionate about the environment, with any long term effect, is simply not likely to occur. You can increase their awareness and when the problem becomes more drastic they are more likely to act.

    This problem requires a global effort. If you examine who produces the most carbon emissions it is those wealthy educated nations who are more concerned with growth and financial gain. As long as it is profitable we will continue to live this way.

    I think many "Green" programs are done with great intention but sometimes with little positive results and sometimes with harmful effects. There is still so many questions about the effects of global warming that many are taking advantage of the sensationalism of the topic.
